Herb Exchange Updates

Herbs of August 2024
eleni Nicholas eleni Nicholas

Herbs of August 2024

Dear Ones,

In these interesting times, we are grateful to be a part of a conversation that is aligned with our shared values of bringing medicine to the people, whilst supporting a great group of growers who hold the plants with regard. It seems to me that is what good medicine is made of….

The first ingredient being regard.

Click “Read More” for the list of currently available herbs.

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Herbs of June 2024
eleni Nicholas eleni Nicholas

Herbs of June 2024

So many wonderful herbs available this time of year…

Click “Read More” below for the list of current and upcoming available herbs!

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Herbs of May 2024
eleni Nicholas eleni Nicholas

Herbs of May 2024

In these wild times it is an honor and a privilege for be in relationship with plants and their people.
Please note: If you are interested in receiving Saint John/Joan’s Wort, please send in your request and we will note that for the upcoming harvest.
As for fresh herbs available at this time, we are honored to be in respectful collaboration with growers and the other than human beings that appreciate the medicine plants offer to all of us.
Click “Read More” for the list of currently avalable herbs!

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Herbs of April 2024
eleni Nicholas eleni Nicholas

Herbs of April 2024

Greetings Community!
Happy Spring!
The Sonoma County Herb Exchange opened for the season on March 12th. It has been a somewhat slow start to the season with the cold rains! And the rains are very much appreciated!!
We are celebrating a lovely crew of dedicated interns for the 2024 season.
We look forward to a season of to learning and conversing and sorting and packaging and preparing herbs for pick up by (and shipping to) amazing herbalists, formulators, and makers, just like you. We are honored to be in the company of adept teachers, the plants themselves.
Our intention is to bring medicine to the people in a way that is honorable to the plants, the makers, the farmers, and to our beloved Earth.

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